I Do What I Want – A Sims 4 Legacy – 1.0 Getting it Started

Hi there! And welcome to my bottom of the barrel attempts to do stuff! That sounds harsh, but with everything I’ve been feeling and doing lately, I need to chill But also play something that follows some kind of structure that is still quite loose.  That and I really want to get back into posting stuff so to try and trick myself into writing more. And since SimNaNo is still going on for the next few days, why not?

So, I decided to try a light legacy where…the only rules are really just ten generations and a legacy start(sorta). All the while, my main goal is to poke around at most corners of the game. My Zane Legacy for TS3 is kinda along the same lines except that I am starting fresh and not with a family I adore.

Although, I can’t wait to introduce you to my founder!

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This is Hazel West! I randomized in CAS and a version of Hazel popped up. While it was regular randomization, I still get a twinge of panic that somehow she was someone else’s creation. I did alter her a bit, but if she does belong to someone I’m sorry. I do love her though so…I’m not gonna stop using her.

Hazel is a Good, Clumsy Genius who want to fulfill the Curator LTW. The first step towards exploring the entire game because this always felt really easy and dull. But I used Hazel in another save and this meshed well.

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I started with the Knight statue because I wanted to sorta do a legacy start, but not to the extreme. So I only bought one.

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It left enough to make a tiny house in Newcrest that has almost nothing in it. Also, there are only three windows and some of the wallpaper is CC that is super cheap. So there’s that.

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The first order of business is a job. Obviously. And I would like some alien babies so the only choice is Scientist.

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Then onto collecting in the area. I like getting the first LTW out of the way as quickly as possible.

Heigh ho. Heigh ho. Collecting we will go!

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If you can’t tell, I’ve been experimenting with CC. I’m guessing my game doesn’t like this because every so often a teen male boy scout shows up looking like a disco ball. That and few of the clothing pieces glitch sometimes. I’m not as adept at TS4 CC as I am with 2 and 3.

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And it wouldn’t be some form of legacy without a fire.

I didn’t count on her being dumb enough to catch herself on fire. I was sure I’d have to start over.

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Thank plumbob that she was able to put herself out.

I can promise this won’t be the last fire.

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As punishment for almost ending the entire thing before it really gets started, she has to wait until she gets to work to get a shower.

Clearly, she’s thrilled.

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After a shower, Hazel gets to work!

Ha! Get it?

If anyone is actually left reading at this point, I’m so sorry.

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One of the best thing about this career is that this place is bountiful in terms of collecting spots. Half the time, Hazel stays late just to do some collecting.

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Screw this guy. Really.

I wish there was a way to ward this guy off without investing time into learning vampire lore. That or a mod that I would probably inadvertently blow up my computer with.

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So, Hazel invented the SimRay and now has the capability to transform stuff. And guess how this cheater is gonna get money?

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Kapow! The trick of it(that I’m sure everyone knows at this point) is to cycle through until you get something worthwhile.

Of course, this is the moment Hazel gets a dang fever! So the cash we got goes into a teapot since its cheaper and easier than getting access to a computer at the moment.

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Than Hazel tried to upgrade her bed without paying for it.

Thus leading to fire number two. I’m not gonna show it every time, but this is gonna happen a lot. Thank goodness for that SimRay and the freeze function. The entire dang house would have burned down.

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Luckily, she got herself a new spiffy bed after a couple rounds of transformation.

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It should be clear that I’m not exactly keeping everyone abreast of everything happening. Thus the collections of MySims trophies. For the Curator LTW, you need to complete an entire collection. These seem to be one of the easiest while living in Newcrest. If we were in the city, I would be more inclined to search out snowglobes or posters, but with the travel and the amoung of dig sites at Hazel’s job, this makes more sense.

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As much as I want alien babies, we do need back-ups.

Enter Joaquin Le Chien. He’s got good features and…I don’t actually know but he might be a good provider of cute kids and maybe money in the right job.

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*Obligatory stargazing pic*

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Maybe my game is messed up more than I thought or, like in real life, I’m not able to accurately interpret social cues, but there has been a surprising amount of difficulty surrounding romantic interactions in both of my saves.

Again, it might also just be me.

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After Joaquin left, Hazel learned she is not a very good skater.

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We got a satellite dish!!

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Of all the alien interactions, of course, the first contact is the one that can’t result in Hazel having an alien baby. If she were a guy, this would be a win.

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Every evening for nearly a week, we tried to contact aliens to invite them to the house. Nothing but two abductions. I’m sure if there was a tv we’d be getting alien channels, but other than that there’s nothing.

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With the lack of alien intervention, it was time to settle for the party boy with a nice face.

And since he was resistant to normal flirting, Hazel jumped at the chance to get bro boy to the romance festival.

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And it totally freaking worked.

Hazel and Joaquin were finally getting somewhere! Also, if some reason my writing weird, like my tenses are all over the place, I’m sorry.

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And since they were there, why not get engaged?

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Or why not get married?

So we officially have a spouse! Maybe eventually there will be a made-over image of Joaquin, but for now, eh.

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Of course, as soon as the reluctant duo arrives back home comes a swarm of alien visitors!

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Thus Hazel met Tony. I don’t know his last name, but he’s a prime candidate for an alien baby daddy.

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Well…this is awkward.

Look. Cheating is bad. But behavior in The Sims does not reflect the actual morals of the network. Because if it did I would not only be concerned for the mental well being of others but also myself.

And maybe I should end here. I’m very happy to reach a place that I could even call a stop, especially since I did this entire thing at work. My job is quiet and when it needs my attention, I give it. However, there is quite a lot of downtime. Anyway, I’m happy to say that this is it for now.

Til then ❤

One Comment Add yours

  1. Nice start! Hazel is so adorable, cannot wait to see what happens next.

    Liked by 1 person

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