Short but Adorable – Part Three – Arellano Genetic Roulette

Welcome back!

Last time: We welcomed a lovely little turquoise baby named Wade and Rosa aged up adorable with thoroughly disappointing hair.


Thanks to Whit’s tabcast, the family now has a full set of toddler books.

Usually, toddler books don’t factor into toddler rearing for me. I get that they give advantages in the future, but I’m lazy.

However, Rosa has mastered all three required skills so why not let her go nuts on some books.


Whit and Cher get some kissy time in. I could have said something more mature or adult, but I went with kissy time.


Meanwhile five feet away, Wade is growing into a toddler.

He, like Rosa, only inherited Cher’s eyes. But instead of a dark brown, he got this random blonde. It’s another bummer despite how cute Wade is.


With Wade a toddler, it’s time to start on another baby!

Chime away chimes!

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After working on baby 3, Cher immediately gets to skilling up Wade. The first one finished, as it usually is, is potty training. Go, Wade!


I’m sure that’s good for her.

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Thanks to the tabcast and her constant chemistry fiddling, Whit reaches level ten of her logic!


Time for Rosa’s birthday!!

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For her child trait, Rosa rolls Eco-Friendly. I guess Rosa won’t be going on any submarine adventures in the bathtub.


Rosa’s cute! I can’t wait til she gets older!




Wade learns to walk! I missed the notification for some reason, but I promise he did!


Cher keeps plugging forward in her sculpting. She hasn’t maxed any of her skills yet but is hung up on sculpting at the moment. It’s helpful too because Rosa has been playing around with the easel.


Speaking of Rosa, here she is being her adorable self!

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Wade talks!

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Score! This is awesome! This means we won’t have any problems with them aging. They still have ten days til their adult birthdays, so it’s a little soon to be using it. However, both need to take it at the same time. I’ve instituted a self-imposed rule that if one does something with their lifespan, the other has to. So say Whit gets enough points for an age freeze potion, she can’t purchase or take it til Cher can.


Whit is adorable. That is all.


Even with Cher being neat, the house is starting to get a bit messy. And there is nothing in the rules about service sims.

So the Arellano family got a maid.


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Whit heads to work and completes her LTW!!! Yay!!!

Meanwhile at home, I’m sure Cher is doing absolutely nothing of import.


Or maybe she’s having a baby and it’s very important.

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Welcome to the family Kit!

In the theme of “things that are in my head”, Kit is named after the actor Kit Harrington. To be fair, I wasn’t actually thinking of the actor at the moment Kit was born. I was more watching a video about an Emilia Clark movie and it was where my brain went when I thought “boy name”.

So his name is Kit.

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Along with having Virtuoso locked in, Kit also rolls Light Sleeper.

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Since Whit is finished with the Ghost Hunting Career and she’s been learning to cook, I figured it would be the natural progression to have her employed in the Culinary Career. Plus I kinda want that fridge. I’ve gotten really into feeding sims their favorite meals and the fridge would help me stockpile.

And that’s all I have. It felt like I had more, but if I’m doing updates child by child, it needs to end here.

Hopefully, I’ll get more out soon.

I’ll see you guys soon! ❤

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Woot, go Whit, one career down already! The profession are great for that. Even if they’re not getting you many points, the kids are adorable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jesslb293 says:

      I’m loving the kids and I can’t wait til they get to YA so I can upload them and just send them out into the world!

      Liked by 1 person

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